Asides articles, shorter citations can also be a source of inspiration.
Quotes feed the context of cogitation.
“Starting small” in Enterprise Architecture can only mean “starting high-level”.
The “small” can not be smaller than the Enterprise.
– excogitea®
“Understanding Enterprise Architecture also means understanding that the Enterprise architect sits between the Business owner and the Prime contractor.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding (Enterprise) Architecture also means that ‘no Chief Business Architect’ does not mean that there should be one.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding Enterprise Architecture also means understanding that what brings value to customers is Business Architecture.
Enterprise Architecture brings value to Business Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“When discussing data centralization or decentralization, we may want to first consider centralized governance and decentralized management.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding Enterprise Architecture also means understanding that Data Architecture is the highlighting of data within the Enterprise.
Enterprise Architecture correlates Data Governance, Data Management and Data Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“The enterprise architect is the one for whom complexity is not complicated. He embraces it.
Conceptualizing the whole is what allows each stakeholder to consider his role as simple.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding Enterprise Architecture also means understanding that it is not so much about modeling units as it is about defining the criteria that make a unit a unit.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding Enterprise Architecture also means understanding that Business and Governance are different things.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding that digital transformation isn’t just about technology should make understand that AI adoption isn’t a technology matter either.”
– excogitea®
Understanding that the Enterprise Architect is an “agent” of Digital Transformation means understanding that he is because he is also an “agent” of Operational Excellence, Data Governance, Security, … and this … combined !
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture isn’t more monolithic than the perception you have of the Enterprise.”
– excogitea®
“You can’t pretend to do Business Architecture if you think that a blueprint is an IT thing.”
– excogitea®
“Going from ‘Business+IT’ to ‘BDAT’ is a progress only if we get that DAT isn’t equal to IT.”
– excogitea®
“Unlike Politics, Enterprise Architecture does not polarize sides, but rather provides the scheme so they can express their best without needing their worst.
Value emerges from the best.”
– excogitea®
“Going from ‘Business+IT’ to ‘BDAT’ is a progress only if we get that DAT isn’t equal to IT.”
– excogitea®
“Security and confidentiality are different things.
Still, one can not be treated without tackling the other.”
– excogitea®
“Architecting the Enterprise also means you won’t need to arbitrarily invent new terms to deal with unconceptualized elements.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding that security and privacy are different things means that one cannot believe, or pretend, that data protection covers privacy protection.”
– excogitea®
“Adding Business acumen to IT architecture makes it a better IT architecture, but not an Enterprise Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“Aiming for Data Quality also means addressing Metadata from the early stage of Data.”
– excogitea®
“Simplicity emerges from conceptualization at the elementary level.”
– excogitea®
“The mere fact of considering the human as part of the security risk makes it clear that the human is part of the Enterprise.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture isn’t more monolithic than the perception you have of the Enterprise.”
– excogitea®
“When it comes to operational excellence, process optimization will always be limited by the maturity of the organizational schema.”
– excogitea®
“Security architecture is the articulated set of all defined security principles.
It impacts humans, process, information, software, etc.
Applying it and making it tangible is a matter of Enterprise Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“The point of Business Architecture is to shape the business “landscape”, not to drive IT.
The point of IT Architecture is to shape the IT “landscape”, not to mirror Business.
What’s taking care of their correlation is Enterprise Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“Business-IT alignment is only one consequence of Enterprise Architecture.
Another one is People-Activity alignment.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture is what makes it possible to define a value chain in an environment which is multifaceted.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture is the best way to motivate staff. It shows each team and each individual how they contribute to the overall scheme.”
– excogitea®
“Defining scopes and boundaries does not mean creating silos. It means identifying constituents in order to master their sharing.”
– excogitea®
“As soon as we get that Enterprise Architecture is technology agnostic and, moreover, Business domain agnostic, we can understand that the Purpose of an organization is simply the purpose of the organization, whether it is for profit or non-profit.”
– excogitea®
“If you think about your System Design practice needing to be more holistic, you’re actually thinking about Enterprise Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding the value of Enterprise Architecture requires understanding that architecture is not a result of engineering.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture is precisely what allows Business to adapt without breaking the overall model.”
– excogitea®
“The Enterprise Architect is meant to provide control to the Business owner.
AI adoption should not deviate from that principle.”
– excogitea®
“Without Enterprise Architecture, Programmes in your portfolio are silos.”
Any initiative has diverse impacts and integrates in the overall schema.
– excogitea®
“The best way to understand Business Architecture vs Enterprise Architecture is to understand that Enterprise Architecture is Business domain agnostic.”
– excogitea®
“Architecture and Urbanism relate to each other when considering the same reference point in scale.”
– excogitea®
“If your organization’s model can’t handle non-digital information, your Enterprise architecture is IT-biased.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise architecture is not so much about centralization as it is about managing decentralization.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture is not so much the result of collaboration as the discipline that defines collaboration.”
– excogitea®
“All stakeholders having to speak the same language … is a myth !
Each professional discipline needs and has its own nomenclature and its own language.
Enterprise Architecture is precisely the one that provides the context in which each professional can practice his profession.”
– excogitea®
“If you don’t master your model, you don’t own your business.”
That might be the quote to define Architecture value.
– excogitea®
“The Enterprise is a living entity.
Not that much because it carries out activities but because activities evolve.”
– excogitea®
“The best way to understand that Enterprise Architecture is not IT Architecture isn’t to consider the Business but to consider the Human.”
– excogitea®
The best way to understand “Business architecture vs Enterprise architecture” isn’t to consider “Business model vs Operating model” but to understand that Architecture addresses their correlation.
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture values human knowledge and fosters functional adequacy.”
– excogitea®
“Empowering people isn’t so much about telling them they need new skills, but rather recognizing the ones they have so they can grow.”
– excogitea®
“Constraints are a source of inspiration for the Architect.
Besides, an interesting aspect of Enterprise Architecture is that it is not limited by physical dimensions.”
– excogitea®
“The Architect does not generate complexity, he embraces the required one and makes it look simple for any given stakeholder.”
– excogitea®
“Using the word ‘architecture’ to name the specific result of a specific case is the bias hampering to understand the discipline which, precisely, produces those results.”
– excogitea®
“Alignment” is plural.
Enterprise Architecture is actually about (organisational) Governance.
– excogitea®
There’s no such thing as “agile architecture” since there’s no such thing as “non-agile architecture”.
– excogitea®
“If what you name ‘Architecture’ is the result of modeling, ‘Enterprise’ can only be an adjective.”
– excogitea®
“The need for adaptability of an Organization is one of the constraints that the Enterprise architect must integrate into his design.
If the model that enterprise architecture produces is static, it is not Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“Roles and responsibilities are not a matter of administrative organization chart. It’s about matching the skills of the workforce with the topics that need to be covered.”
– excogitea®
“Understanding that Enterprise Architecture is Business domain agnostic is actually the foundational and first step for Business adaptability.”
– excogitea®
“Expecting layers to align isn’t better than expecting silos to collaborate.”
– excogitea®
“Architecting the Enterprise also means you provide the map (namely the Enterprise’s built) for Costs analysis, Compliance, Security, Information Governance, ….”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture is a contributor of Data Governance, if not a trigger.”
– excogitea®
“Architecting the Enterprise also means you are able to define roles and functions.”
– excogitea®
“If you (still) think that Enterprise Architecture is about IT, where is the Chief Business Architect ?!”
– excogitea®
“Architecting the Enterprise also means providing the awareness of the overall scheme so even C-suite members can collaborate.”
– excogitea®
“Architecting the Enterprise also means you are able to determine the appropriate methodologies for the different sets of activities.”
– excogitea®
“There is this particularity in the function of the Enterprise Architect which makes him define his own role.”
– excogitea®
“Design is about shaping objects.
Architecture is about shaping environments.”
– excogitea®
“The Architect shapes environments for human flourishing and activity.”
– excogitea®
“Scale” is an elementary aspect in Architecture.
Yet, it’s completely neglected in Enterprise Architecture, surprisingly … or not !
– excogitea®
“The Enterprise Architect is an orchestrator, not as a talk show host for stakeholders but more importantly as a designer who shapes the orchestration.”
– excogitea®
“Enterprise Architecture goes way beyond execution items. It addresses all constituents regarding their nature and not only their usage.”
– excogitea®
No, “Enterprise Architecture” is not dead.
Only, “Architecting the Enterprise” wasn’t born.
– excogitea®
If your “architecture” model relates to a specific activity type, it isn’t Enterprise architecture.
– excogitea®
“Strategy is the vision of Enterprise’s activity over time.”
– excogitea®
“Business is the part of the Enterprise which describes its Purpose.”
– excogitea®
“Capability map, Organisation chart, Operating model, Resources assignment, … are derived views of the Enterprise’s built.”
– excogitea®
“The difference between a Capability Map and a patchwork is Architecture.”
– excogitea®
“You may think about specific scopes and sub-domains, but, until you’ve shaped a whole, you can’t know their real boundaries.”
– excogitea®
“The Information landscape is not that much a data overview of the overall scheme than the dedicated space to organize involved data.”
– excogitea®
“What’s prevailing when shaping the whole is to integrate the constraints of the whole.”
– excogitea®
“You can follow-up a project by dates, but you drive it by content.”
– excogitea®
“Think twice when establishing a reward mechanism for your teams !
This could create internal competition rather than foster collaboration.”
– excogitea®
“A bad design can lead to a bad behavior.
The simple fact of delivering something is not a success.”
– excogitea®
“Driving IT through Business is one of the worst things Companies have made.”
– excogitea®
“First rule of Customer Experience is to understand that you’re not his only provider.”
– excogitea®
“Data/Information is the memory of knowledge.”
– excogitea®
“AI regulation wouldn’t be such a problem if Data regulation wasn’t one itself.”
– excogitea®
“One of the key point of BI is data quality (veracity, trusted source, clear catalog, …).
AI is no exception.”
– excogitea®
“Security and confidentiality are different things.
Still, one can not be treated without tackling the other.”
– excogitea®
“Security and Privacy being different things doesn’t mean that data protection can’t be privacy protection.
A proper Data/Information Governance already treats confidentiality levels.”
– excogitea®
“If you think that mitigating cybersecurity risks is all about applying software patches, it may already be too late!”
– excogitea®
“Have we ever thought that it is precisely the lack of anonymity that allows cyber-harassment?”
– excogitea®
Maybe that the best way to “protect” data is to not allow “data-collection”.
– excogitea®
“AI regulation wouldn’t be such a problem if Data regulation wasn’t one itself.”
– excogitea®